Roof Replacement and Installation - Merimbula

The Problem

We received a call from a client based in Merimbula as they were having issues with their roof plumbing. Our expert team went to inspect the issue, discovering that the roof had extensive rust damage, which was the cause of this client’s roof plumbing problem.


The Keogh Plumbing Solution

We started by removing the old roof, guttering, flashings, and downpipes to ensure a fresh start. We then installed high-quality materials, including an insulation blanket, Colorbond Ultra Grade clip lock roofing, flashings, square line slotted guttering, and 90mm PVC downpipes for efficient drainage.

After installation, we cleared the site and conducted thorough testing to ensure everything was in perfect working order. The new roof is now ready to provide reliable service for years to come. 

Currently experiencing roof plumbing problems? Contact us at (02) 6430 7104, we’re here to help and to ensure that your roof plumbing is in top condition!